November 1, 2020
Narrative and Identity
Black Political Literature Review 2020
Black politics in the United States, in the context of racial unrest and revolutionary demands, is a fraught yet fertile scholarly field. Unpacking the contours of how Black people conceptualize their relationship to the state, to society, and to one another is critical both because of the substantive need to...
Sojourn Strategies
University of California Berkeley
Katrina Gamble, Christian Hosam
Key Finding from the research include:
- Political Alienation & Disillusionment is not an effective predictor of political participation for Black people.
- Anger is NOT a mobilizing emotion for turnout for Black people, but it is for protest and donations to community organizations.
- Enthusiasm for the election or candidates, as well as thinking about voting as a civic duty has been found to increase voter turnout for Black people.
- Electoral districts with more protest activity are likely to see increased turnout and higher campaign donations
- National politics and federal institutions are often used to measure political knowledge, which may miss an important dimension of knowledge about political and government institutions for Blacks.
- Linked Fate can be an important influence on both political behavior and vote choice for Black people.
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