Community Resources


Welcome to the password-protected section of the DPI Fund’s website. Here you will find research reports, recordings of webinars, slide decks, and other resources that can be used to support our collective work to strengthen base-building organizing in service to the goal of creating and sustaining multiracial democratic practice in the United States. 

Research Topics

The resources provided by the DPI Fund cover a diverse range of topics central to building and sustaining multiracial democratic practice.

DPI Organizing Lab

The DPI Organizing Lab is a collaboration across a group of base-building groups to support the collection and analysis of organizing data that groups can use to evaluate their organizing programs, with the goal of improving strategy, practice, and impact. This innovative project focuses on data that helps groups understand their core work (organizing that supports winning change) rather than data that focuses on last-mile voter contact inputs (e.g., door knocks, number of conversations).

Understanding & Measuring Power

Building on lessons from the work of the DPI Organizing Lab, we have worked with our state partners to develop an analytic framework for how to understand and measure power. This approach supports organizations in identifying and measuring the activities, strategies, and tactics that are effective in their work to build base, organize collective capacities, and achieve external influence and impact.

Narrative and Identity

The DPI Fund’s narrative and identity research focuses on how to connect with, engage, and inspire Black, Latino, AAPI and Native voters to lean into their agency and increase their civic participation. In this work, we are exploring the values that drive civic participation, the ideological differences within demographic groups, and how organizations can promote the sense of community and belonging that is necessary as a foundation for political engagement.

Highlighted Research

URL Link
September 4, 2024
2024 Black Values Media Briefing
POWER Interfaith in PA, New Georgia Project, and Detroit Action Education Fund released a national study of the Black electorate which, for the first time, analyzes segments or values clusters of the Black community.
February 12, 2024
Surfacing Missing Voters
This report documents the ways that Black, Latino, and AAPI individuals and communities are systematically ignored by current digital and technological systems of voter engagement.
September 5, 2023
Power Metrics: Measuring What Matters to Build a Multiracial Democracy
This report outlines a framework developed by groups in the DPI Organizing Lab to identify and measure strategies that wield power using the data organizations collect and analyze in their day-to-day work.
May 1, 2023
Surveying the Landscape of Data Integration for State and Local Organizing Group
This report documents the challenges base-building groups face with the current set of movement tech tools and suggests some systemic solutions.

Research Database

Click here to access the diverse array of DPI Fund resources including research reports and summaries, slide decks, and recordings of webinars.