August 5, 2022
Narrative and Identity
Latinx Values Survey Results - DPI Digest
DPI supported Equis and Sojourn Strategies in a partnership with numerous organizing groups including Florida Rising, Make the Road Nevada, Poder NC, LUCHA, Voces de la Frontera, and PICO California to survey Latino voters and dig deep on who is voting, why, and what values are motivating for civic engagement.
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DPI supported Equis and Sojourn Strategies in a partnership with numerous organizing groups including Florida Rising, Make the Road Nevada, Poder NC, LUCHA, Voces de la Frontera, and PICO California to survey Latino voters and dig deep on who is voting, why, and what values are motivating for civic engagement. Equis ran an online and live phone bi-lingual national survey in April 2022 involving 2,765 eligible voters who identify as Hispanic or Latino. This research discovered a set of key values beliefs that are driving Latino political behavior, including perceptions of influence and efficacy, belonging and inclusion, confidence in voting, obligations to ancestors, partisan integration, and knowledge.
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August 10, 2022
Latinx Values Survey
DPI supported Equis and Sojourn Strategies in a partnership with numerous organizing groups including Florida Rising, Make the Road Nevada, Poder NC, LUCHA, Voces de la Frontera, and PICO California to survey Latino voters and dig deep on who is voting, why, and what values are motivating for civic engagement.